While looking at a map Dad pointed out that Prague is actually fairly close to Berlin. So here I am. I took a few days out of my Germany trip to skip across the border to the Czech Republic to Prague. I'm so glad I did. Prague lives up to all expectations.
So, first some pictures to just show how beautiful it is. Even with 2 feet of snow covering everything.
The Vlata River
Tyn CathedralRandom beauty on random buildings.
There is a small Jewish quarter that still exists with the oldest working synagogue. Even though the Nazi controlled the area the some Jewish buildings survived because Hitler had plans to create a "Museum of an Extinct Peoples".
Of course all three days it was snowing. But despite the gray colors and general mess on the ground (icy mud w/salt) the city was still beautiful. Here is the end of Charles Bridge named for their great king. Another famous king as you might have guessed was Wencelas I, who became a saint and subject of a christmas carol after his death. And yes I had the carol stuck in my head the whole time. The snow didn't help with the Christmas theme.
So, these kings must live somewhere and so Prague Castle was built. I like to think I've seen alot of castles but I've never seen one this big. This was is huge and sprawling. It takes up and entire hill top and there are not one but two full sized cathedrals inside the castle. An interesting fact is when the people here weren't happy with their rulers they might storm the castle and throw them out the window. This happened twice. And I always thought defenestration was just a fun word.