A family farm in Seoul, means a place about 2 yards square on a nearby mountain that is rented to a family where they grow cabbages, onions, pumpkins and squash. This area had about 100 "farms".

We then walked a bit over to the National park which is also, part amusement park, part zoo and part art museum. Here is my friend Mary showing her appreciation for a piece called "Beach".

During this whole time Mary and I were made to talk in English with the families two sons, ages 15 and 17. It's sort of Korean fashion to be very generous but to expect something in return and so Mary and I are taken out on family outings and fed very well but then become free English practice partners for the sons. I spoke to the 15 year old, far right, who in true teenager fashion, said almost nothing to me and was incredibly embarrassed by anything his parents did.

We also made fun of the art alot. I'm picky and Mary is an art major and so we climbed on many of the sculptures that weren't up to our standards. This one was amusing though because it was called "the thinker" thus our poses.

On Tuesday Mary and I again had an adventure. We went to a smaller zoo in Seoul for the purpose of playing with dogs. There was a puppy zoo for children here and after paying 3,00won (a little less than $3.00) we got unlimited play time with about 15 dogs. (Huskies, Border collies, labs, retrievers, corgies, terriers...) I haven't played with an animal since before I left but it was surprising to even see them. Bigger animals, like dogs, don't live in Asia because there is no space for them to be kept. You will occasionally see something like a handbag sized dog but nothing bigger than that. For this reason many Koreans are afraid of bigger dogs, even ones that we would consider medium sized because they lack experience with them. In addition to this many Koreans fear cats as well, because the ones living in Korea are mostly feral and are not kept as pets. I think the only pets Koreans do have are fish.

At the zoo, we also witnessed a Korean television show being filmed but the speech was too fast for me to understand.

And being a children's zoo there were many school groups who greeted us loudly with "hello" every time we passed. One girl even got so bold as to say "I'm beautiful." Though I think this is less vanity and more she confused her pronouns.

Now to make up for not updating here are some scenes from Seoul.
Early morning subway rides. Good in the winter because the train is toasty and you no longer have to hold on to the railings for stability because it's packed so tight.

View of Han River at night. The Han river runs straight through Seoul and has parks and bicycle routes all along it.

Yonsei, from the same restaurant. The big building on the right is the hospital and I live just behind that. The main road down the middle goes to the front gates on Yonsei and the mountain in the back is on our grounds and there is the Yonsei dairy at the top.

Seoul from the top of a Ferris Wheel.

And now to the people I see all the time.
My language exchange partner Shin Kyungchul.

Mary and the dalmatian that took a nap in her lap.

Good to hear from you in what seems like a long time ago! You're having quite an adventure, aren't you?
Doug and I leave tomorrow with Austin and Mayce for Disney--they've never been. We're hoping for a wonderful fun-filled and safe trip for all of us. Take care and stay safe yourself! Love, billiejo
Of Course the picture of the person I actually care about seeing in clarity is blurry. YOU know which one I mean. :) Thanks for updating!
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