Right, so this week I started class. And because Dad requested pictures of campus so I'm taking you on a tour of my daily life.
So, for some reason this semester I decided to try my hand at morning classes. (It's been a week and I'm already regretting that) But I wake up every morning at 8am and walk to school. In front of campus if a huge intersection (and the only place on earth where I always obey traffic laws, sorry mom) But at every hour hundreds of students wait and crosse on en masse weaving between backed up traffic.

The walk from the main gate up to campus. The mountain in the background is part of campus.

K, First stop. The theology building (it even looks like a church, not the rose window). Where I have Psychology of Happiness (my professor actually was one of the first to start this field) and History of Christian Education (a feminist critique on the Bible and Christianity in Korea) This class seems interesting but unfortunately may be taught partially in Korean. So, it could be tough.

K, my favorite statue on campus. I don't know what it actually is but it looks like the Death Star.

The building in the middle is the Law School where I'm taking International Law. Yay! It looks to be my favorite class but also promises to be really tough.

And finally one of Yonsei's most famous buildings and a film site for many Korean movies. The school was founded by American missionaires which explains why parts of campus highly resemble somewhere like Georgetown or Harvard. (Ivy covered brick buildings)

And before coming home I'm also taking Modern Korean History, Taekwondo and Swimming. This is my little alley way. It starts between the 7eleven and the Krispy Kreme and ends in a very big church.

My room is the first set of four windows on the left. I love my room, especially now that spring is coming and I can leave the windows open.

When I first was looking for rooms I found this place because of the plants in front. Seoul doesn't have much greenery. So, I came but the woman who runs this place wasn't home for two days. But I held out and from what I've gathered I've got one of the best places in the area.

So, yup, that's my life.
Krisy Kreme? No way! I haven't found one of those yet. Maybe in Tokyo?
JK--So nice to see your present every-day surroundings. Does look you did well by being patient and yet persistent in waiting for your landlady to return home before you took a room elsewhere. I, too, would have been attracted by the plants out front--and all your windows. Very nice. How's the food working out? The campus looks very pretty--love the mountain part especially! Your courses sound very interesting--hope you do well. Also the gym was amazingly pretty--glad you got to go there. Do you get to practice your TaeKwanDo any? (hope you never HAVE to use it, but if you do, you'll be very skilled at it!)
I saw that you had snow yesterday--we had 84 degrees several days last week but are now into 30's and rain--snow would be much nicer! Stay safe! Love, bj
The statue has scribed korean language around it. so, it's called νκΈν.(Statue of korean launguage) -ks
i want to take psychology of happiness.. how was that?
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