Sunday, January 25, 2009

Kunming:first stop in the Yunnan province

My first official stop in official China is a regional capital know as Kunming. It's a cool city with the usual temples and cool architecture. But about two hours away is Shilin or stone forest. A literal forest of a geological phenomenon called karsts. Very cool rock formations.
The other amazing thing about Kunming is the Wal Mart! I've never been to a Chinese Wal Mart but there are a few in southern china now. This one, as they all are, is massive. At least four floors and the size of a department store, it is always full of at least a few hundred Chinese. And the prices are still cheaper than the surrounding area which is hard to do in China.
The final cool thing about Kunming was it is home to the largest bronze temple known as the Golden Temple. It weighs over 280tons. Everything in ths picture is made of bronze.
It was also on top of a pretty mountain with some nice gardens and some smaller temples around it.
So, anyway Kunming was a good city but it really is just a jumping off point for heading to Vietnam or father into the Himilayan/ Tibet area. I'm currently in Dali and will be weathering out the Spring Festival week here. Look for photos soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is more info about Kunming, Dali, Lijiang and other places at